Monday, December 3, 2007

Facts And Fallacies Of Killing Dog Fleas

Fleas problems are rampant and there are many misconceptions on how to correctly treating dog fleas.Below are the 5 biggest fallacies of killing dog fleas, and the facts that set the record straight.

Fallacy: If I just focus on killing dog fleas, I'll eventually get rid of them.
Fact: Your dog and home will never be flea-free if you base your success on the number of fleas you kill.A crude body count cannot be used to measure success.Killing dog fleas effectively must be base on a good plan.You cannnot go mindlessly firing at the troops.Use Insect Growth Regulators (IGRS) ,this will make the fleas incapable of reproduction.

Fallacy: Chemical warfare is always better than natural remedies.
Fact: Natural Remedies are just as effective as chemical warfare in treating dog fleas.

Fallacy: My dog is finally flea-free. I can stop worrying now.
Fact: This is only temporary unless you have taken necessary steps to get rid of fleas in your dog immediate environment.Until then,your dog will still be in the danger zone of becoming flea-ridden again.

Fallacy: I can rest easy as most of the fleas has been terminated.
Fact: One flea can start an entire infestation by itself.Fleas can reproduces at an insanely fast pace.Soon you will be facing large fleet of army.You must make sure the last fleas are removed when killing dog fleas.

Fallacy: Fleas only prey on my pets.
Fact: They could also prey on you. All the more reason to be vigilant and keep your dog and home flea-free.I hope the above clear some misconception on killing dog fleas.

Visit Here to help keep your dog and home flea-free.

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